Our Super Login Ad Is Perfect for getting new sites and launches off to a FAST start!

Your Splash Page will appear as a Login Ad on all US Surfs Network Sites plus on multiple partner sites in prominent locations for a full 30 Days!

Only $15 For A Full 30 Days!

Your Splash Page or Lead Capture Page shown as a Login Ad Across Our Entire Traffic Generating Network plus multiple Partner TEs in prime locations!

The What:

Our Network is a vast connected portfolio of active, permission-based communities, apps, and platforms with thousands of real, active users each month who actually want to see offers and opportunities like yours.

The Why:

Because you want to be one of the first things people see when they begin to engage online. Your page/offer could be seen across a hundred or more sites each day as they will show up both on our network and on trusted partner sites.

The How:

The first thing members see when they login to any of our platforms will be one of our Super Login pages. This means the first thing they see could be your page, before they even start engaging other pages.

How Do I Get Started?

Step 1.

To Get Started, make sure your Lead capture or Splash Page is all set up in your account here on SMG. Your Ad must be on a secured website (must support https://), be the actual landing page, no redirects, and cannot contain any rotating URLs,banners, or other ads.

Step 2.

Get your Ad Page Boosted to Super Login Status. In fact, this will boost every Ad Page in your account to Super Login status Buy 30 Day Super Login & Network Distirbution HERE!

Step 3.

Next, Open A Support Ticket and include your User ID# and username here at SmartMarketingGroup.net to make sure we get your Ad Page boosted quickly to Super Login status.