the Smart Marketing Group

Successful Marketing Generation

for Savvy Marketing Geniuses

the Place for You

the Place to Be

SMG is

SMG is for Savvy Marketing Geniuses (and those who aspire to be). Scroll on to discover more!

Super Login Ad

+ Network Distribution

Perfect for getting new sites and other launches off to a fast start! Your Splash Page or Lead Capture Page shown as a Login Ad (and other prime locations) Across Our Entire Traffic Generating Network and multiple Partner TEs for a full 30 days!

SMG Text Ads In Action

Behold the power of the SMG Text Ad Network!

Powerful SMG Text Ad Network

Successful Marketing Generation

Get Your Text Ad Message Seen Quickly Across A Large And Growing Network! No Need For Expensive Images or Graphics -- Create Your Best Headline With Supporting Text -- Insert Your Target Page Link and You Are Ready to Go!

Awesome Inventions to Help You Succeed

Grow Your Business Online With SMG !

Member-based Marketing

Unlike most online marketing techniques, SMG is a people-centric community created to give you Do-It-Yourself targeted marketing based on sound traditional practices that don't rely on invasive, privacy-violating, or "gray hat" methods to do so.

Get Started

Super Login Ad

Perfect for getting new sites and other launches off to a fast start! Your Splash Page or Lead Capture Page shown as a Login Ad (and other prime locations) Across Our Entire Traffic Generating Network and multiple Partner TEs for a full 30 days!

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SMG Text Ad Network

Get Your Text Ad Message Seen Quickly Across A Large And Growing Network! No Need For Expensive Images or Graphics -- Create Your Best Headline With Supporting Text -- Insert Your Target Page Link and You Are Ready to Go!

See It In Action

Square Banner Network

Expand Your Marketing Reach. The SMG Square Banner Network will professionally present all of your active 125x125 banner ads across a large Network of sites so that your ads are seen by more people!

See It In Action

SMG Training Center

Bring in new, active members to your traffic exchange. Participate in our weekly contests, Holiday events, and other special events, or even sponsor your events through SMG! We handle all the backroom details for you so you can concentrate on growing your business.

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SMG Blogs

SMG Blogs are a FREE benefit we give our members to aid them in their promotional efforts. There are no hosting fees, nothing to install, and no-hasstle or third-party connections required.

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Looking for more SMG Power?

Discover The Winning Formula To Successful eMail Marketing resulting in real SIGNUPS AND CONVERSIONS with our unique, spam-free, white hat, permission-based Viral Mailer!

Expect Only The Very Best!

We make it easy and affordable to quickly promote your new sites and other launches. We also help you build a downline filled with active members through contests, holidays, and other special event promotions.

Plug-in to a Network of Marketing Geniuses

Smart Marketing Group is for professional marketers (and those who aspire to be). We are not a typical traffic exchange but instead concentrate entirely on those things that get the best results.

Larger Ad Page Views

We Eliminate All Distractions. Viewers (and potential customers) will be able to focus on your site in a larger area with nothing to distract their attention from your offers from within our Members Ad Page Viewing area!

SMG - It's The Place To Be!